Tackle Life with Confidence by Incorporating These Affordable Health Strategies Into Your Daily Routine
Whether we’re having a bad hair day, or we’re feeling discouraged about our current weight, we all have days or weeks where we don’t like what we see in the mirror. One way of facing this is by having a daily healthy routine.
According to a 1997 body image survey conducted by Psychology Today, approximately 56 percent of female respondents were unhappy with their overall physical appearance during the time of the study—in comparison to 43 percent of male respondents.
While more women are comfortable in their skin today than they were in the 1990s—especially due to the recent body positivity movement—there’s still much work to be done.
Fortunately, there are several simple things you can do to improve your self-image as you learn to love the body you see in the mirror every morning. For some budget-friendly wellness tips that will boost your confidence, reduce stress, and help you to feel your very best from head to toe, read on!
Love What You See in the Mirror

Exterior beauty certainly isn’t everything, but how we feel about ourselves is. Our body image plays a major role in the choices we make, the people we surround ourselves with, how comfortable we feel on a daily basis, and even the person we choose to marry.
According to the Office of Women’s Health (OWH), poor body image can also increase our risk of developing depression, an eating disorder, and other mental health conditions.
Since your body image often goes hand in hand with your own self-worth, it’s important to do whatever you need to boost your self-confidence.
Some simple strategies for boosting your self-esteem may include wearing makeup, trying a new hairstyle, shopping for clothes that complement your body, incorporating a new Korean skincare regime for oily, dry or combination skin into your daily life—or maybe even all of the above!
For example, if you have curly hair that tends to do its own thing on a regular basis, consider looking into a well-reviewed straightening brush that will help you regain control of your hair, which will, in turn, help you feel better about the way you look.
When finding ways to improve your self-image, don’t be afraid to try something new and daring—even if you’re on a budget. When you shop online, you can easily find coupons, promo codes, and other discounts that you may not find at your local drug store.
Sleep, Eat, Exercise, Meditate, Repeat

Having good self-esteem helps you to feel more confident and capable as you navigate through the challenges of daily life, but a positive self-image may also lead to lower levels of stress. To boost your self image while relieving stress at the same time, try incorporating the following budget-friendly strategies into your daily routine:
- Create—and stick to—a bedtime routine that helps you to wind down and decompress after a long day.
- Eat foods that nourish your brain, boost energy levels and contribute to a healthy body weight.
- Exercise to improve your mood, better your health, and boost your memory. No matter your schedule, you can get in a workout whether you’re at home or at work by purchasing a portable piece of equipment like an under-the-desk elliptical. This equipment not only burns calories, it targets the lower body and promotes better heart health.
- Meditate to calm your mind and ease feelings of self-doubt.
- Practice yoga as regularly as possible to help relieve stress, feel more confident, and accept your body for what it is. Websites such as DoYogaWithMe or mobile apps like Daily Yoga and Yoga Studio offer access to free classes and guided meditations—a huge plus if you can’t afford to pay for classes at this time.
Begin Your Wellness and Skin Care Journey Today
Boosting your health and wellness doesn’t need to be a costly endeavor, but a little bit of time, money, and commitment goes a long way.
By incorporating these affordable strategies into your daily routine, you’ll begin to appreciate more and more things about yourself—everything from the smile on your face to your great sense of humor.
However, most changes don’t occur overnight, a daily healthy routine won't show results right away so remember to be patient with yourself as you begin your journey toward self-love and acceptance.